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testostor 171-1 Part no. 0577 1715
    · 고객선호도 :
    · 제조사 : Testo
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회원이 되시면 가격변동정보, 신제품, 특판제품, 기술정보등 다양한
뉴스정보를 보내드립니다.
배송은 평균 2~3일정도 예상됩니다.
                    (0)                     (0)                     (0)
You can place the testostor 171-1 data logger beside the goods
Professional data loggers with external probes
testostor 171-4 with up to 4 external
temperature probe connections is used for simultaneous temperature measurement at different locations e.g. in production processes or in storage areas.

You can place the testostor 171-1 data logger beside the goods and attach the separate probe to doors or refrigeration appliances up to 12 m away. Air moisture can also be checked, if required.

On-site application:
Testo software for Palm OS®
replaces laptop/PC
Tamperproof measured results
Clear printout on location on the
Testo printer

Logs temperatures e.g. in refrigeration units. testostor 171-1 data logger with display attached,shows fluctuations in temperature.

Logs temperature fluctuations in switching units withtestostor 171-4

testostor 171-1
Int.: °C + Ext.: °C or %RH/°C
testostor 171-1, temperature data logger with °C/%RH probe connection, incl. starting magnet,battery and calibration protocol

Part no.      0577 1715
2,040,000 원

Suitable probes at a glance
Part no.
0610 1720
270,000 원
0610 1722
250,000 원
0610 2217
370,000 원
0610 3217
490,000 원
0610 4617
255,000 원
0628 0007
344,000 원
Range of humidity probes for testostor 171-1, see Chapter on humidity, testostor 171-6

Practical accessories and recommended sets

Display with print option, can be
attached to data logger

Part no.     0554 0175    722,000 원

Display can be attached to data
Part no.     0554 0176    553,000 원

Testo printer with 1 roll of thermal
paper and 4 AA size batteries

Part no.    0554 0545   456,000 원
testostor 171-1, Standard set
testostor 171-1, temperature data logger with °C/%RH
probe connection, incl. starting magnet, battery and
calibration protocol
Robust immersion/air probe
ComSoft 3
Transport case (plastic)

ComSoft 3 - Professional with data management
Incl. database, analysis and graphics function, data analysis, trend curve

Part no.     0554 0830     617,000 원
Please order interface separately

※ testostor 171 data logger, connection for Palm OS®
(Palm OS® not included)
In connection with ComSoft 3, Part no.: 0554 0830

Part no.    0554 0805   485,000 원

testostor 171-4, 4 x temperature measurement at different locations
testostor 171-4, temperature data logger, 4 channels, with starting magnet, battery and calibration protocol
Robust immersion/air probe
Robust immersion/air probe
Robust immersion/air probe
Robust immersion/air probe
ComSoft 3
Transport case (plastic)

Ordering data for Accessories Part no.
Display can be attached to data logger
For quick checks on location
0554 0176
553,000 원
Display with print option, can be attached to data logger
For quick checks on location
0554 0175
722,000 원
Testo printer with 1 roll of thermal paper and 4 AA size batteries
Prints readings on location
0554 0545
456,000 원
Recharger for printer (with 4 standard rech. batt.)
Rechargeable batteries are recharged externally
0554 0110
132,000 원
Spare thermal paper for printer (6 rolls) 0554 0569
38,000 원
Spare thermal paper for printer (6 rolls)
Measurement data documentation legible for up to 10 years
0554 0568
43,000 원
Optical alarm display for data logger, battery-operated Warns if limits have been exceeded 0628 0025
571,000 원
Holder with lock for data logger. Theft-proof 0554 1782
92,000 원
Lock for attached display
Suitable for holder 0554 1782
0554 1789
74,000 원
※testostor 171 data logger, connection for Palm OS® In connection with ComSoft 3, Part no.: 0554 0830 0554 0805
485,000 원
ComSoft 3 - Professional with data management
Incl. database, analysis and graphics function, data analysis, trend curve
0554 0830
617,000 원
※ComSoft 3 - For requirements in accordance with CFR 21 Part 11
Incl. database, analysis and graphics function, data analysis, trend curve
0554 0821
2,805,000 원
Interface, attachable to data logger 0554 1781
112,000 원
Spare battery for testostor 171
Quick and easy battery replacement
0515 0018
87,000 원
Transport case (plastic) for data loggers (max. 5 off) and accessories 0516 0117
316,000 원
ISO calibration certificate/Temperature
Temperature data logger; calibration points selectable from -30 to +180°C
0520 0141
ISO calibration certificate/Temperature
Temperature data logger; calibration points -8°C; 0°C; +40°C per channel/instrument
0520 0171
230,000 원
DKD calibration certificate/Temperature
Data logger, transmitter, probe without display; cal. points freely selectable from -80 to +1000°C
0520 0281
Technical data
Common data

Chann. external (var.)
Probe type NTC
Meas. range -50... +120 °C
± 1 digit
±0.2 °C (-34.9... +39.9 °C)
±0.4 °C (+40... +120 °C)
±0.6 °C (-50... -35 °C)
Resolution 0.1 °C (-50... +120 °C)

testostor 171-1

Chann. intern
Probe type NTC
Meas. range -35... +70 °C
± 1 digit
±0.2 °C (-35... +39.9 °C)
±0.4 °C (+40... +70 °C)
Resolution 0.1 °C (-35... +70 °C)

Oper. temp. -35... +70 °C
Storage temp. -40... +85 °C
Battery type Lithium battery
Memory 55000
Dimensions 131x68x26 mm
Weight 305 g
Warranty 2 years
 Measuring rate: 2 s to 24 h, selectable
Battery life: Lithium battery up to 5 years
Software: menu-driven from Microsoft Windows 95 / NT 4
Service pack 4

Chann. external (var.)
Probe type Testo humid. sensor, cap.
Meas. range 0... +100 %RH
± 1 digit
±2 %RH (+2... +98 %RH)
Resolution 0.1 %RH (0... +100 %RH)
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 평가점수
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주소 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 둔촌대로 474, 708호 (상대원동 선텍시티1)
Tel : 031-777-1588 / Fax : 031-777-1587 / 개인정보관리책임자 : 관리자
사업자 등록번호 : 116-81-31753 / 통신판매업신고 : 2005-경기성남-0886호
대표자 : 홍영화 / 운영자 : 윤상미
상호 : 주식회사 코린스 / Copyright ⓒ 2002. All Rights Reserved.