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Available windvane types include:
- Potentiometric (1K Pot) - W200P Windvane (ideal for most data-loggers)
- Potentiometric (2K Pot)- W200P/L Windvane, Low-Torque (also ideal for most data-loggers)
- Encoder (Gray code output)- W200G Windvane
- Analog/Voltage output- Porton™ W200 Windvane
- Self-Referencing Encoder (Gray-code output) - SRW1G Windvane
Our windvanes are robustly constructed using weather resisting plastics, anodised aluminium and stainless steels enabling them to withstand continuous exposure to the weather including marine environments.
The fixed-reference W200 Series Windvanes all share the same basic construction and use the same F20 series Fins (vane-arms), different internal modules/components are used to provide different output signals.
The Self-Referencing SRW1 Series Windvanes which include an internal compass system are also available and are poular for use on mobile platforms such as buoys at sea.
Options common to all the windvanes include:
Unlike some other manufacturers, we do not manufacture a "combined" wind speed and wind direction sensor. With our product range you have the flexibility to chose an anemometer and windvane with appropriate output signals and mount them together at the top of a mast using one our 405-1 series mounting arms.
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