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Type6 휴대형 미압계
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type6"Precision with Portability"

Type 6 Portable manometer

Where portability is of overriding importance, the Type 6 is the answer. Its lightweight aluminium chassis/limb assembly is mounted on a pressed steel base, and with the moulded ABS cover in place the weight is less than 2.5 kg. Despite its portability no compromise in precision has been permitted, and the Type 6 is calibrated to the same high standards as the larger models.

The adjustable limb can be used either vertically (0-2000 Pascals) or inclined (0-200 Pascals) and the clip-on velocity scale covers the range up to 18.4 m/s. The 305 mm long pitot static tube is fitted with sliding markers, and clips into the cover when not in use. Also housed inside the cover is the velocity scale together with connecting tubing and spare gauge fluid with funnel. The instrument has a built-in levelling device with spirit level, a fluid-zeroing control and fluid-tight transit caps.


Pressure Ranges 0-200/2000 Pascals (N/m²) 0-20/200 mm H20: 0-0·8/8 in WG
Velocity Ranges 0-18.4 m/s. 0-3600 ft/min
Accuracy ± 1.0% of reading
Line pressure nominally atmospheric, 20°C ambient
Pitot Static Tube 305 mm long x 4 mm dia
Case 450 x 145 x 112 mm
Weight 2.5 kg

The instrument is supplied with interchangeable pressure and velocity scales in Sl, Metric or Imperial units and spare fluid is included.

A comprehensive list of back-up accessories is available including straight or angled pitot static tubes from 2.3 mm diameter for use in small pipes, a telescopic pitot static tube up to 900 mm long, and jointed (collapsible) tubes up to 5 metres long for use in giant ducts.


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회사소개 | 서비스이용약관 | 개인정보취급방침
주소 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 둔촌대로 474, 708호 (상대원동 선텍시티1)
Tel : 031-777-1588 / Fax : 031-777-1587 / 개인정보관리책임자 : 관리자
사업자 등록번호 : 116-81-31753 / 통신판매업신고 : 2005-경기성남-0886호
대표자 : 홍영화 / 운영자 : 윤상미
상호 : 주식회사 코린스 / Copyright ⓒ 2002. All Rights Reserved.