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The Renewable Energy Education Set is a modular experiment set designed to demonstrate the workings of clean energy technologies on a miniature scale. With this kit, an entire miniature renewable energy system can be constructed. The set is modular so users can learn the system step by step, configure the system in different ways, and visualize a complete working clean energy system from start to finish.
NEW H2go hybrid RC kit
300,000원 |
NEW Bio-Energy Kit 1st Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell
120,000원 |
NEW H-racer 2.0
240,000원 |
NEW Horizon Software Kit
180,000원 |
NEW Hydro-wind Kit
180,000원 |
H-racer& Solar Hydrogen Station
200,000원 |
Hydrocar Education Kit
180,000원 |
Fuel Cell Car Science Kit
120,000원 |
Solar Hydrogen Education Kit
120,000원 |
Renewable Energy Education Set
480,000원 |
PEM Electrolyzers (Set of 5)
300,000원 |
PEM Fuel Cells (Set of 5)
340,000원 |
PEM Reversible Fuel Cells (Set of 5)
400,000원 |
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이 상품에 대한 사용후기가 아직 없습니다.
사용후기를 작성해 주시면 다른 분들께 많은 도움이 됩니다. |
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이 상품에 대한 질문이 아직 없습니다.
궁금하신 사항은 이곳에 질문하여 주십시오. |